All the drivers who love to drive cars have this inner urge to break free and drive the car at full speed. However, you can’t possibly do that because of the road rules and regulations. Go-karting is a sport where you can do it and lose control over speed (not beyond the safe point).
Winning the race can be tricky as there could be many experienced racers on the track present with you. If it’s your first time, then it’s all the more difficult for you. If you want to dominate the sport, then here are some of the tips that can give you a fair idea of how to drive a go-kart on the track.
Go For Comfortable Clothing
If your aim is to win the race,, then you should look for comfort first. Make sure not to wear too tight clothing as they can make you highly uncomfortable while driving, which can affect your speed. Also, since you are going to be in the go-kart and on the track for an extended period, it’s important to be comfortable enough to last long.
Choose Your Go-Kart
The car you choose is crucial in winning the game. Thus, go for a test drive with as many go-karts as you can. Pick the most comfortable one with fairly excellent performance.
Drive In A Right Position
Figure out a comfortable position in which you won’t get tired. Try sitting in one position and see if it works for a prolonged time. If it doesn’t, then find the position that works for you.
Practice With The Pedals
You need to know how sensitive the handles are. Thus, practising and learning about them as you drive is the best way to know the control.
Drive In A Straight Line To Pick Up Speed
Driving on the sidelines can affect your speed greatly. So, make sure to drive in a straight line to pick up the speed and drive smoothly at maximum speed.
Drifting Can Slow You Down
Before the turn, it’s important to slow down, and for that, you hit the brakes. When you hit the brakes while turning, the kart will drift. It might look impressive, but it will cause you to lose momentum, which, in turn, will slow you down.
Keep Safe Distance With Other Drivers
To avoid crashing and bumping into the drivers, you need to keep a safe distance from them. Also, constantly bumping can slow you down.
Look Farther Ahead
It’s true that while driving a go-kart, the drivers look in the front and know what’s going on. However, for quick reflexes, you need to be highly aware of your surrounding and look way ahead than you actually look. Knowing what’s going on farther ahead can prepare you mentally for what’s to come and what to do to overcome it.
Final Thoughts
Learning to drive a go-kart is easy, but going on the field without driving it beforehand could be hard. Thus, to bring on your A-game, you need to explore and practice a little before the race. You can now have a wonderful experience of go-karting in Melbourne – Le Mans Entertainment.